There is no perfect solution that takes reports and provides a robust search function for thorough data analysis, but here are the best options. We recommend you report to as many as possible.
Enigma Labs has an IOS app and a website where they collect UAP reports. It is the best repository for videos and receives the most reports. The app has some search functionality, and the website provides some data on regional statistics at the state and county levels. Still, there is no ability to make custom searches and output data sets for research.
NUFORC has a large database, but its reports are typically text-based and contain little information. However, it does allow users to search its database, and the results are presented in tables that can be easily cut and pasted into spreadsheets for analysis.
The Mutual UFO Network collects reports via its website. Field investigators also research the cases, and they are assigned a classification. However, you must pay to search their database, and researchers cannot download the reports for analysis.
UAP Reporting and analysis is handled through the All-Domain Anomaly Research Organization (AARO).
Historical Government UAP files
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